This seminar provides an introduction to scientific visualization using ParaView. An overview oLogo for Blue WatersLogo for Blue Watersf the visualization process is presented by exploring the scientific visualization pipeline followed by hands on experience with ParaView. ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform, parallel data analysis and visualization application built upon the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) Library. Participants will work with a small dataset (provided) to become familiar with ParaView functions and capabilities.
Session Details
When: 10:00 CST, April 5, 2017
Length of Session: One hour
Target Audience: Beginners
Prior Experience: This seminar was previously developed as part of a series of data visualization workshops designed to introduce data visualization to faculty, students and staff at Clemson University while I was employed there as the Director of Advanced Visualization. A longer version of this seminar has been given at XSEDE conferences, and an extended version as part of the International High Performance Computing Summer School.
Expected Outcomes: Users will have a basic understanding of how ParaView works and will gain hands- on experience accessing data, managing files, generating plots, and working with data operators.
Prerequisites: No prior knowledge of visualization required. Introduction to Data Visualization webinar is desired but not required
User Base: Applicable to all domains with data visualization needs
Software Availability: Free and open source
Software Requirements: ParaView (most current version)
Use Cases: A working data set will be made available for download.
Training and Reference Materials:
Please download the following files to your computer:
ParaView Scripts: tar/gzip