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Dr. Byrd Bio



Director of Byrd Visualization Lab

Dr. Byrd is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Graphics Technology Department at Purdue University's Polytechnic Institute and is the director of the Byrd Visualization Laboratory.


Prior to her position at Purdue University, Dr. Byrd was the Director of Advanced Visualization and a Research Associate at Clemson University in South Carolina.


Dr. Byrd has demonstrated a commitment to community engaged scholarship that involves multidisciplinary collaborative efforts, outreach, broadening participation and inclusion in data visualization. She embodies exemplary citizenship at the department, college, university levels and to the local and professional communities. Dr. Byrd's active involvement in research and community initiatives illustrates her strengths in:




PhD | 2010

Computer and Information Sciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham


MS | 2006

Computer and Information Sciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham


MSBME | 1995

Biomedical Engineering, University of Alabama at Birmingham


BS | 1992

Computer and Information Sciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham

View CV
Engagement Initiatives
VisREU Site

As the principal investigator for the highly competitive NSF REU Site (Research Experience for Undergraduates in Collaborative Data Visualization Applications) (NSF Award No. 1359223), Dr. Byrd brought the perfect opportunity to students with all backgrounds to learn about the visualization pipeline, applications and tools to  create impactful visualizations.



9/6/15–9/6/17 | Gordon Research Conference/NASA

Visionary Grant: Gesture-Manipulated 3D Network Maps for Tracking, Assessment, and Reflection Opportunities in Digital Non-linear Adaptive Learning Systems.

Byrd, V. (Co-PI), Moss, K. 


1/15/141/15/17 | NSF

REU SITE: Research Experience for Undergraduates in Collaborative Data Visualization Applications

Byrd, V. L., (Principal Investigator).


7/15/14–10/30/16 | CRA-W/CDC

2nd Annual CRA-W/CDC Broadening Participation in Visualization Workshop

Byrd, V. L., (Principal Investigator), Tanner, L., Cox, D.

1/15/14–1/15/16 (Unsolicited) | NSF

Broadening Participation in Visualization (BPViz) Workshop

Byrd, V. L., (Principal Investigator).


02/02/14–11/24/15 | Clemson Computing and Information Technology

Broadening Participation in Visualization (BPViz) Workshop

Byrd, V. L., (Principal Investigator).


6/1/2014–7/31/2015 | NSF

CISE REU Student Conference Participation. Supplemental Funding
Byrd, V.L., (Co-PI), Moore, S.


7/1/2012–6/30/15 | NSF

CREATIV: Tools, Models and Innovation Platforms for Research on Social Media
Byrd, V.L., (Co-PI),Thatcher, J., Appleford, S.


9/1/12–8/31/2014 | NSF

EAGER: Social Web Election Listening for Learning

Byrd, V.L., (Co-PI), Thatcher, J., Burton, O., Appleford, S. 


7/15/13–4/15/14 | CRA-W/CDC

1st CRA-W/CDC Broadening Participation in Visualization Workshop

Byrd, V. L., (Principal Investigator), Gemmill, J., Duffy, E.






2015 | Education Panelist

Making the most of Graduate School (in HPC) for the Students at Supercomputing 2015

Austin, TX​


2015 | IEEE Vis Week Panel Organizer

Could Visualization Provide a Pathway to STEM?

Chicago, IL​


2015 | Deputy Chair of XSEDE15 Education Outreach and Training (EOT) Track (Invited)


2015 | Nominated for MOR Leadership Award

Nominated by Ivy League Cohort, Stanford University Campus.


2015 | Carl Storm Underrepresented Minority (CSURM) Fellowship to support participation in the 2015 Visualization in Science & Education Gordon Research Conference


August 2015 | Discussion Leader at Gordon Research Conference

Visualization in Science & Education

Bates College, Lewiston, ME 


February 2014 | Workshop Organizer

1st CRA-W/CDC Broadening Participation in Visualization (BPViz) Workshop

Clemson University, Clemson, SC


March 21–24, 2010 | Acceptance into & Winner in Presentation at the 2010 NSF Minority Faculty Development Workshop.

Recognized as Winner in Presentation, in National Faculty Collaborative Research Poster Competition

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge Massachusetts.




Grants & Conferences

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